Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Post NaNoWriMo Blues

Edit: This article was edited at 7:50am on Thursday December 6, 2012: I found out that the months for Camp NaNoWriMo were different, so I fixed that, and I changed my personal nano month to January.

It really is very difficult remembering that NaNoWriMo has ended. I feel kind of lonely, knowing that I can't go to the website and update my word count ever few minutes while I am writing really bums me out! I am still working on my novel, but it feels a bit sad now. I am excited that there is Camp NaNoWriMo, but that is not going to be here till summer time. I will be having my own personal NaNoWriMo during February, just because it seems to be the right time in the middle of all of the other official NaNoWriMo's. I have decided that my writing goal for the new year is going to be intense.

400,000 words in 2013
0 / 400000

January (personal) 50K
February - 25K
March - 25K
April (camp) - 50K
May - 25K
June - 25K
July (camp) - 50K
August - 25K
September - 25K
October - 25K
November (nanowrimo) 50K
December - 25K

I am so excited! I know that I can do this, because of how well I did this year. The only thing that has held me back in the past, is fear of failure, and of what people think of me. But, I don't have to worry so much about this anymore. My experience this past month has shown me that I can write every day and hate that days draft, or that I can write a little bit one day and love it. A few days in November I wrote 5K, 3K, or 7K and each time I really enjoyed what I was writing. I even liked it when I reread it. Even though my writing plan starts January I am not going to slow down on writing during December.

 I will try to finish my first draft to "The Flatlands," which is my NaNoWriMo 2012 project. I estimate that the completed first draft will probably be about 100,000 words. So, here is my little word count meter!

51073 / 100000

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