Thursday, June 28, 2012

Make the Most of What you Have!!

Apartment living is hard, but we do what we can to make it less stressful and more comfy. Travis has decided to build me a window seat in our bedroom. There is a large window there and the view is not much to look at, but I have plans to make it into a nice vegetable garden. There is a long, skinny sidewalk and then rocks around our small apartment complex. Definitely not pretty. We are going to have some fun with this. I have a very cute planter box and some nice flowers next to our front door and soon (a few months or so perhaps) I will be able to look out my bedroom window, from my window seat and look at my pretty tomato and pepper plants. 

I want my kitty George so much, but I know he is safe and very very happy with my Mom right now. So, I don't have to worry. Here's a picture of him. Isn't he cute?

Budget Your Money!
I am in the process of creating a budget binder. This is the envelope system, where as soon as we get our check I put the designated amount of money in each envelope. Some bills we pay with an online system, but I will still keep track of those in my binder as well. I've tried this before, but not since Travis and I have been married. It is such a practical way to keep your budget on track. I am very excited to start with this system again.

Remember, it's important to write down all of your bills and budget needs, that way you can find out where all of your money is going and where it really needs to be going. I discovered, which, I already knew but did not want to admit, that Travis and I eat out way too much. So, that is one area that we are going to work on. 

Meal Planning
Plan your meals in advance, buy groceries on sale and refrain from eating out unless you've planned it into your budget. I like to plan our meals on Mondays, make my list and go to the grocery store. It doesn't always happen like that, but the general idea is to plan and have all the ingredients at hand. That way, I'm excited about my recipes and I'm not sitting around wondering what I should make for dinner. That can so easily end in ordering pizza...

I must confess, we did this last night.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Search Continues

We were passed over for the rental that we really, really liked. It was very cute. The two car garage already had the work benches Travis needed for making furniture, there was a little laundry room attached, there was even a window seat in the bedroom... plus we could have had George. I'm thinking she already had someone in mind, because when we looked at the place she told us not to get too excited and to calm down. Who does that unless they know you aren't going to be chosen?

Travis is so sweet. I was bummed out, because the place was exactly what we had been looking for and was very affordable. He told me not worry and we will to find the perfect little house. We just have to be patient.

To help with my mood I've been working on my little sister's present. She picked out the yarn for me. I am loving the colors and the stitch. It reminds me of candy.

Also, I will be making Funfetti Cookies in a few minutes. There will be pictures and a recipe on tomorrow's post ;)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Home is Where Your Honey is

Hello world! My name is Alicia Haynes. I am the wife of a computer programmer/web developer who is an absolutely amazing husband. His name is Travis, and he is very dreamy. He allows me to spend my time crafting, writing, painting, cooking and well, taking care of him. Which I love, so much to do.

Some of my favorite moments during the day are when I set down a steaming hot cup of coffee in front of him while he's programing, his fingers are tapping furiously at the computer keys and his eyes are fixed to what looks like gibberish (to me) on his screen. He doesn't usually realize that there is something delicious there until I point, poke him, or he glances down and is so shocked and happy that he looks at me with the best, most appreciative face ever.

Yes, I am a happy woman :)

I have wanted to create a blog for the longest time, but being the nervous, somewhat apprehensive person that I am, have not started until now... so here is where I will talk about my food creations, crafting projects, writing projects and fun things like that.

Oh, and here are some of my plants! We are doing the apartment thing right now, trying to get into a little house where we can have my cat, George and a nice area to garden. For now, Travis built me a planter box and I have a few cute pots.